New Bridge School

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English (KS3)

Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

Neil Gaiman  

Curriculum Vision

At New Bridge, we believe that a high-quality education in English will unlock students’ ability to communicate their ideas, emotions, and needs to others and engage unreservedly in the world around them.  Pupils can develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually through reading which is one of our 3 key areas of study: speaking & listening, reading, and writing.  

Our young people are the heart and soul of everything we do, and we want them to participate fully in society by learning how to speak, read, and write to the best of their ability, leading them seamlessly to their future destinations. 

English Lessons at New Bridge School 

English is taught thematically over five lessons per week, from the pre-key stage up to The National Curriculum depending on their initial assessment.  Students are assessed upon their arrival in year 7 and then at regular intervals to ensure they are fully supported and encouraged to progress.    

Speaking & Listening   

Teachers use a wide repertoire of activities to create real dialogue and depth of thought within classroom discussions.  These include:  

  •      teacher-pupil talk  
  •      pupil-pupil talk  
  •      questioning  

Pupils are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities which they record using their iPads to support self and peer assessment.  


Pupils are assessed using the NARA and this data is used to inform pupils’ starting point on our reading scheme. Pupils then use the Reading Plus app which records and encourages their progress. 

Pre-readers use the Teach Your Monster to Read app as it offers a fun and engaging approach to phonics and letter blends, giving each pupil control over their learning.   

To encourage reluctant readers to read for enjoyment, all pupils have access to ebooks/audio books through Epic and BorrowBox apps.         

Writing (spelling and handwriting)   

Spelling and handwriting can be a barrier to creating a piece of work that demonstrates a pupil’s ability and results in work a pupil can be proud of.

Technology is used to remove this barrier.  Pupils use Spellzone and follow an individualised programme, which is accessed daily.  Pupils requiring phonics work follow out phonics scheme, which involves phonics games such as bingo, matching both letters and pictures.  

Handwriting is explicitly taught, through modelling on the board and the use of apps such as Purple Mash.  

Pre-writers use roll and write, sand and finger games., iPad letter formation apps e.g. ABC Star.   

Where needed, pupils use pencil grips to aid with correction of fingers which is often making progress difficult.  

Technology is used to allow pupils to draft and edit written text and produce visually appealing pieces. 


English (KS3)


Pupil Voice                                                         

              Miss makes our lessons fun and interesting.


I love the  different stories we read from around the world.