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Food Technology KS3

Half Term Recipes (Spring 1 2025)

Take a look at the following recipes for this half term...

Bolognese Sauce

Cheesy Garlic Bread

Chicken Wraps and Coleslaw


Fruity Flapjacks

Marbled Tray Bake


Spring Rolls

Vegetable Soup

         No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.
                                                                                    (Julia Child)

Curriculum Vision

The vision of our Food Technology curriculum is to learn how to be safe in the kitchen, to learn about nutrition and healthy eating, and to instil a love of cooking in all pupils.

Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill for pupils now and in later life.

Throughout their time at school, we aim to encourage independent learning through practical lessons. 

The vision of the curriculum is that it will support pupils to use the principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes using a range of cooking techniques. 


Food Technology Lessons at New Bridge School 

All Key Stage 3 pupils have a double lesson of Food Technology every week taught by a specialist teacher

They are taught in their class groups

The teaching rooms are divided into smaller spaces which replicate a home kitchen environment

This gives pupils a clear and safe working space. 

The Food Technology lessons are interactive, creative and fulfilling, which extends cross curricular skills.

Students produce a high-quality product through observation, practical and evaluation. 

This broad and balanced introduction to cookery skills and knowledge provides a strong foundation upon which pupils can improve their skills and independence as they move into Key Stage 4. 

They are encouraged to feel safe, speak up and care for their environment. 

Pupils are supported to work as independently as possible which equips them with skills they can use in a kitchen environment at home, transferring practical skills into real life situations and beyond. 

Lessons are delivered on a two-week pattern with a theory lesson followed by a practical session. 

Pupils follow the Eat Well plate. 

Lessons are delivered in a way which: 

  •       promotes a high standard of personal hygiene throughout every practical lesson. 
  •       makes pupils aware of the healthy eating guidelines and how that affects their lives.  
  •       uses the equipment correctly and safely. 



Food Tech (KS3)


Pupil Voice                                                         

They are good because you do practical one week and theory one week. I enjoyed making the burgers.                                                                          

Marvellous! They prepare you in the kitchen and learn new skills.