New Bridge School

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Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before – if we allow it.”


                                                                                                   Jenny Arledge


Curriculum Vision

Our vision for ICT at New Bridge is threefold:  

Core Skills – ICT ‘life skills’ aimed at providing our learners with the skills necessary to safely engage in our digital world. These include the basics of using a range of computer systems, accessing the internet safely, communicating online safely, creating and editing multimedia content and exploration of cutting-edge technologies including 3D printing. 

Pathway Skills – These primarily multimedia skills are aimed at preparing our learners for the KS4/5 Digital Pathway. Through delivery of these skills, we hope to foster a love of the subject, expose our learners to a range of skills and topic areas (MoviePlus, PhotoPlus, InShot, TinkerCAD, Discovery Coding, AppShed, Scratch) and provide a foundation of knowledge and skills that will support them in being successful in their formal qualifications at KS4 and KS5. 

Engagement – Our aim is to allow all our children, regardless of barrier or learning need, to engage with ICT in a variety of ways suitable for them. Through this facet of the curriculum, we aim to provide our learners with opportunities to engage with ICT in fun and interesting ways that are less academically focused (HelpKidzLearn/Switches/Cosmos/Playtron). 


ICT Lessons at New Bridge School 

All Key Stage 3 main body pupils have one ICT lesson each week in their class groups delivered by a subject specialist. 

ICT lessons take place in a specially outfitted classroom with high specification desktop computers and a range of accessibility peripherals and equipment. 

ICT lessons at New Bridge aim to expose children to a broad range of skills and ICT topic areas including ICT fundamentals, E-Safety, 3D Modelling and Printing, introduction to coding, introduction to App development, Video capture and editing, photography and graphics. 

The skills and topic areas covered have been chosen carefully to allow our pupils to experience modern and up to date topic areas that are both relevant to their interests and provide foundations for future learning and development. 

Pupils produce a range of products and artifacts using both iPads and high spec desktop computers across a range of software applications and platforms. 

Schemes are planned and taught over 6 weeks and each topic area is planned to be contiguous with future schemes and learning opportunities across KS3, KS4 and KS5. 



Pupil Voice                                                        

I feel like I can speak to my friends using the technology I need to help me.

 I like
learning how to use laptops and other equipment.