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Living Skills (NBLC)

No one can give another person life skills. Each of us must learn them by doing the work of life on our own.                                      

Curriculum Vision

The intent of the living skills curriculum at New Bridge is to ensure that our young people develop functional skills for living so they can lead a fulfilling and independent life in their chosen destination. 

An essential aspect of the curriculum is that it reflects the needs of all our pupils and prepares them to participate as fully as possible in the hugely complex modern world and to take part in the wider community as a valued member. 

Our aim is that the curriculum supports pupils to develop their independence with an aspirational approach to achievement that will equip them with lifelong skills for their future destination.

The curriculum provides opportunities for young people to develop their understanding of their own unique development and encourages them to be proactive rather than passive participants, through practical tasks and planned opportunities for risk taking, independent learning and problem solving.    


Living Skills at New Bridge Learning Centre 

Pupils are taught within 4 discrete groups at the Learning centre:

The Interactive Base, The Entitlement Base, The Community Living Group and The Community Living Communication Group.

It is within these tutor groups that Living Skills is delivered by a range of class teachers, where individual needs are met by a differentiated group teaching model.  

This curriculum is delivered through a carousel of learning experiences, both onsite and externally, allowing a practical hands-on approach to their learning experience. The subject and its delivery have been developed term by term taking into consideration the specific needs of the learner.  

Life Skills lessons for students aim to recognise and develop transferable skills, such as washing and drying pots, making tea and toast, setting the table and sorting / folding laundry. This will support them to complete daily life skills within their own homes. Practically all these skills are practised within our very own flat set up known at ‘Cosy Home’  

The Curriculum that is delivered and adapted in lessons have a kinaesthetic, visual and diverse approach that enhances the teaching and learning experience both for the teachers and learners. Topics have been made bespoke to the needs of students which allows students to work at different levels from pre-entry to Entry 3 and most importantly at their own pace, making the curriculum accessible. 

The lessons strive to achieve inclusivity, where learners have the opportunity to learn and develop transferable skills and have the opportunities to express their personal views and opinions without judgement.  


Living Skills (NBLC)


Student Voice                                                         

We practice what it would be like living on your own. I can fold clothes and cook myself my own meals. It feels good to be independent.