New Bridge School

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Maths NBC

                        Maths is a journey, not a destination.

Curriculum Vision

At New Bridge College, our aim is to ensure Maths education develops functional Maths skills, problem solving and reasoning skills and an understanding of the world that supports independent living and employment.  We intend all pupils to experience a sense of enjoyment and curiosity in their study of this subject and ensure that we build on the skills and knowledge learnt at Keystage 4.

The New Bridge Maths Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

· Are provided with a challenging and enjoyable Maths curriculum.

· Increase mathematical fluency as an essential life skill.

· Develop their mathematical knowledge and provide them with a foundation for understanding, number, reasoning and problem solving.

· Gain appreciation of number and number operations, which enables mental calculations and written representations according to ability.

· Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.

· Develop their conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly.

· Have the ability to reason and problem solve by applying mathematics to a variety of increasingly complex problems.

Maths Lessons at New Bridge College 

Maths Lessons at New Bridge College are engaging and enjoyable. A variety of planned resources are used to aid the learners to develop a positive approach to the subject.

Lessons are differentiated to ensure there is appropriate challenge for all learners.

Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations are used to support conceptual understanding and to make links across topics.

All lessons include the opportunity to develop learners understanding of number and apply it in practical situations.

They are given opportunities to develop their reasoning and solve simple or complex problems in a systematic and coherent way.

To ensure full topic coverage, the college delivers ‘Functional Skills Maths’.

The purpose of Functional Skills Mathematics Entry Level qualifications is to demonstrate a sound grasp of the underpinning skills and basics of mathematical skills appropriate to the level, and the ability to apply mathematical thinking to solve simple problems in familiar situations.

Learners are taught in small groups dependent on the level being studied, for three hours a week.


Maths (KS4 Galery)



Student Voice                                                      

Maths used to be really hard for me but I have tried to get better and better.