College Blog - 28.2.25
They set off at 9 am and travelled down on the metro link with staff from New Bridge College to Media City.
The students have been accessing a specialised course led by Tom and Thalaya Darr, who have been giving the students valuable knowledge, information and an insight into the world of creative media and design.
This course will help show them what the industry can offer and the different roles they may encounter as they start their working journey within this field.
All of these experiences that our young people are having will help with future career choices, showing them what the industry wants from people who have creative minds and an ambition to help change the world of creative media.
The day began with checking into the BBC and going through security before entering the main building of the BBC.
The students then met with staff who are currently working within the BBC who work within the many teams who design and create media for the BBC and within the industry.
The students were told about how these members of staff who accessed POD got into their current roles and what their individual journeys looked from leaving education to entering the world of work.
The students listened to a number of people and asked some intriguing questions. After this interaction one of the students even made the comment:
"It humanised it!"
The conversation between staff and the students after this encounter showed that not only is it possible for our students to exceed within the industry but the industry caters for all with or without being neurodiverse.
The students then started their behind the scenes tour!
They firstly went to see where shows are made and recorded such as Jeremy Kyle and Deal or no Deal.
They were then taken up to the production set of Blue Peter where they got to see them setting up ready for this week's post production.
We then entered the CBBC set where the students got to try presenting and introducing the children's TV show Bluey.
We got to meet the presenters of the CBBC show as they entered ready for a days work. The students had an amazing interaction with the staff and the team.
From this they then went into the unseen (but just as important) rooms that manage SFX, audio dub room suit, the gallery (Colouring) visual effects.
We saw how these effects are put into place ready for any new shows or programs to go live to your screens at home.
Visit to the BBC
Please follow these links to see read more about our day.
HSC Pathway Students Showcase Communication Skills in Health and Social Care
This week, our Health and Social Care (HSC) pathway students have been busy finishing off their HSC6 module – Communication in Health and Social Care Settings. As part of their learning, students worked on an engaging and practical assignment that required them to demonstrate their communication skills through a role play based on a case study.
To successfully complete this task, students had to plan, organise, and create relevant resources to support their role play. They explored both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, gaining valuable insights into how effective communication is essential in health and social care settings. Additionally, they examined potential barriers that could arise in communication and strategies to overcome them, further enhancing their understanding of real-world scenarios.
This hands-on approach allowed students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, reinforcing key concepts while developing their confidence and teamwork skills.
Well done to all HSC students for their continuous hard work and dedication! Your efforts are truly commendable, and we encourage you to keep up the great work!
Miss Begum
HSC (28.2.25)
JD UP Conference
Students from New Bridge College and Future Finders Employability College attended an amazing interactive event at the JD UP Conference in Manchester.
The event showcased all the different job roles within JD Sports.
The Digital and Destiny team got to see that working for JD Sports is much more than selling sports clothing being introduced to roles including Digital, Photography, Content Creation and much more. The students had a great time at the GMEX centre which was very different to you average conference.
JD UP Conference