Learning Centre Blog (31.1.25)
There are times within my working life that I feel truly blessed to have the job I do, and to work with an amazing staff team and even more amazing young people!
The undeniable highlight of my week took place today when I was asked to announce our successful Eco team and to help the Learning Centre student council present them with their special lanyards. 27 students in all put themselves forward as candidates and today 12 were voted for and selected.
In a climate when we are all striving to look after both our immediate, local, and global environments.
Our students are all passionate about caring for our environment and are keen to make a difference. I do believe that this is the most inclusive student group I’ve seen here at the Learning Centre with representatives from all pathways, our interactive base, Entitlement base and community living groups.
Thanks to Mrs Curran and the Learning Centre student council for leading on such an important initiative and trailblazing for all our community. Your voice truly matters and will make a difference.
I’m excited for what the future will bring. You can read Mrs Currans report here...
"The votes were in and counted!
The anticipation was high!
The Student Council gathered with Mrs Allison to find out who would be in the Eco Team.
And whilst we originally planned for only 8 team members there were so many students who put themselves forward that we upped this to 12 team members.
It was a pleasure to a part of the process and humbling to see so many students want to be part of something so important.
So without further delay, here is the Eco Team for the Learning Centre."
A huge well done to Miss Carter's class who have been learning about space! Reading about Alien encounters, building space rockets, developing their fine motor skills, making galaxy biscuits, moon rice cakes and star pizza’s. Huge well done...
"This term in IBGCR, our topic is Space.
We have been reading the story An Alien Encounter.
We have been exploring the stimuli related to the story and creating artwork, focusing on communication, during our English lessons.
We have also been developing our fine and gross motor skills during our Maths lessons by threading planets, building space rockets using blocks and attempting to throw moon rocks into the Milky Way black hole!!!!
In cooking we have made, galaxy biscuits, moon rice cakes and made star pizza!
All students have enjoyed developing their living and independence skills.
We have also been enjoying Music Therapy with Live Music Now.
All the students have been settled and engaged and I’m really happy with how hard they have been working.
Keep it up guys!!! Well done!"
Mrs Carter's Class (31.1.25)
Here's an update from EMP VPK...
EMP VPK (31.1.25)
It’s been lovely watching all the activities around ‘Chinese New Year’, I’m looking forward to next Monday when Mrs Thornhill's class are going to show me their dragon costume. We have also seen the appearance of a large dragon in the main hall! I love it when we get arty!!
Have a lovely weekend
Take care