Learning Centre Blog - 7.3.25
Another busy week here at the learning Centre with some magical moments. This week’s blog has a distinctively animal theme!
Many of you may be aware, it’s been an exciting time as we welcomed our living eggs to the Learning Centre on Monday.
As the week has progressed, we have watched all 10 eggs gradually hatch into some very fluffy and cute chicks! 5 male and 5 female. Here’s this afternoon’s picture of our chicks, definitely not camera shy!
We have been enthralled by the live web cam which can be viewed via the link below.
What has been fabulous, is watching our students engage with the chicks, talking about them to staff and each other and being brave enough to stroke them. Thanks to Mrs Curran for organising!
To celebrate ‘World book day’ on Thursday staff and students were asked to bring in their favourite book & write a short review. (Please see Mrs Keane’s blog for full details.)
I chose to bring in ‘Where the seals sing’ by Susan Richardson. The book follows her journeys to the crags and crevices of the coast, as she explores the mysteries and mythologies of seals, learning not just how they live but also how we ought to live with them.
To give some insight into my interests outside of work, I love painting & walking and often spend time visiting Grey Seals on the North Wales coast, sometimes sketching and painting them.
I’d like to share some great news, as part of world book day, and our drive around reading, we have installed a new LC Library. Located within the main hall next to the comfy chairs, we’re going for a relaxed café/ reading vibe!
Yesterday we also welcomed staff from Oldham college to visit 14 of our students who are moving on to the College this September. This close transitions work is important in enabling them to start getting to know the needs of our students and build relationships ahead of what can be a worrying time for our year 14 students and their families.
Well done to the students and staff in E-Base 3 who have been doing great work in Creative Arts, recognising character names and objects in English, developing their fine motor skills within their maths lessons, and getting out and about in Outdoor Education. Please check out their blog for full details.
We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to our half termly ‘Parents & Carers group on Monday 10th March at 2 o’clock. Any questions please contact John Barker for further details.
Have a great weekend all.
This term we have had a fun packed few weeks! From exploring some fabulous artist during Creative Arts to celebrating Chinese New Year to practicing our numeracy and literacy skills in our Core subjects.
In English, we have been focusing on making progress with our reading and writing skills. Some of us are looking at recognising Character names and Objects names in our Oxford Reading books and some of us are looking at recognising letters and being able to match them to the same. We have also been focusing on our fine and gross motor skills to help us with pencil grip and control.
During Maths, we have been working on identifying numbers and counting objects up to those numbers. Some of us have been using sensory exploration to look at our geometry skills and work with colour and shape.
We have loved Creative Arts and getting messy! We have explored 2 artists – Jackson Pollock and Keith Harring. We have engaged with lots of techniques like marbling and splatting paint to create our own amazing Art.
During Outdoor education, we have been looking at the types of birds in our local area. We have been to local parks such as Alexandra Park and Daisy Nook to count the birds we could see and look at the species. We also have loved having a quick stop and play in the parks.
Ebase 3 have all worked really hard and we are very proud of them. They have been working towards all their personal targets and watching the progress has been amazing.
Learning Centre Blog - 7.3.25
Well done, Ebase 3!
This week the living eggs came to New Bridge Learning Centre. Everyone in the Learning Centre watched the Live Chick Cam, waiting in anticipation for the chicks to hatch. The students in CLBRE were very excited to visit all ten of the newly hatched chicks.
CLBRE - 7.3.25
Mrs Keane
Mrs Keane - WBD 2025