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Learning Centre Blog (8.11.24)


Everyone in CL5SJN has been extremely busy over this last half term. Here is a little look at what we've been up to... 

In our Enrichment sessions, for the first half of the term we created a piece of artwork on the book ‘The Dot’, this book is about always trying our best and being confident in our abilities.

In the second half of the term, we learnt all about Remembrance Day and have created a large display which is outside our classroom. We created poppies from paper plates using paint and tissue paper. We have also created a display in our classroom

In Art we have explored the creative arts from the 1900’s to the 1940’s and have created a beautiful design board.

We have loved accessing our Outdoor Education sessions where we have visited several different parks and have been learning how to be safe when in the community. 

In our cooking lessons we have been learning all about different equipment. We have made sandwiches, pizzas and scones!

Well done to everyone in CL5SJN for all your hard work! 


Learning Centre (8.11.24)