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Mrs T's Blog (28.2.25)

First week back...

Hi all and welcome back to the start of Spring 2.

As I write this blog, the sun is shining and spring is on its way -let’s hope for some really good weather and lighter nights and morning (always makes everyone happier...)

Our week began with a training day. For the first time – in a very long time, all 4 of the New Bridge staff teams came together. The morning began with Mr Lyons talking about what New Bridge has achieved over the past 18 months and most importantly – the impact on our students.

Mr Lyons also spoke about what we are going to work on and what’s to come – which whilst it all sound challenging, also presents us with lots of opportunities. Speaking of which...

I've had the privilege today to spend the day with two of our year 9 classes and students from Destiny Pathway (Key Stage 5). Our staff and students attended the JD UP event at Manchester Central.

The event is designed to celebrate and share the opportunities that working for JD and their company has to offer.

JD don’t just sell trainers – they offer opportunities in lots and lots of parts of the industry – from buildings to fitness (gyms) to online selling and ecommerce marketing.

Today – we watched an amazing street dance troop open the event and listened to JD managers talk about how they progressed through the company. There was even a guest appearance from Angry Ginge, who talked about his role models and the different jobs he worked his way through now – to become an internet sensation.

Not all our students will be an internet sensation, they will however, through our various pathway in various schools, have a destination - either through work in the community, or in industry.

For us – this isn’t about ‘blue sky thinking', it’s about New Bridge thinking.

I was really lucky today to be able to speak to 2 colleagues from JD and share what we are about and what are our future aspirations are for all our young people. 

The vision statement for JD is:

Connect globally, inspire locally, empower individually

...which is really not far from our mission statement of...

Creating Meaningful Futures

We want our students to connect, to inspire and to empower others with their superpowers. I felt so proud today – the students conduct and resilience in a busy, busy conference centre was amazing.

I was also fortunate today to be able to speak to 2 colleagues from JD and share what we are about and what are our future aspirations are for all our young people.

It was also a special day for me – as my daughter Abi works for JD corporation, and it really was fascinating to see the many parts of the organisation and what they do (as I said – not just trainers...)

A special ‘thank you' goes to Emma, Neil and to Abi for making us feel welcome and included.

Plus a shout out to Mrs Lenge, who organised the day, Miss Pettigrew and Ms Cockcroft, Miss Noble and Mr Marsden for the supporting our students, plus Mr Bright, Mr Lawton and Mr Lancaster from the College. 9GPT and 9CHS – I am so proud of you guys today.


Mrs T's Blog (JD UP Conference)


That’s it for me. A brilliant first week and so much to look forward to.


Have a brilliant weekend

Stay safe


Mrs T