New Bridge School

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Mrs T's Blog (7.3.25)

World Book Day 

Wowser – we really seem to have torpedoed through this week at a very fast pace!!!

This week has been our first full week back after the half term break and it has been full of exciting events. Over the next few weeks myself and the senior team will be watching lots of exciting teaching and learning – it really is the best part of our jobs. More of this to come in my blogs.

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day, and it was brilliant to see our students dressed up in either characters or simply in comfy clothing ready to take part in lots and lots of activities based around reading and literature. I must admit, I love a good book, with pages – that’s just me I guess.

Our students however had access to lots of different ways to read and listen – through audiobooks, iPads and of course traditional texts. A big ‘thank you’ goes to all staff – throughout all areas of the school but a massive ‘shout out’ needs to go to Mrs Robinson (or Cruella Deville yesterday ) for organising a brilliant day and of course to all our young people who took part (and staff).

The pictures were amazing .

On Wednesday, I was able to take some time out of school to go and celebrate the Opening Schools Funding alongside key colleagues who supported our bid. This bid, which we gained 3 years ago enabled us to purchase some adapted bikes for students to use and open our school up to others. This has really made a difference to some of our students – who have never had the chance to bike or trike, plus take part in lots of other activities. A massive thank you needs to go to Lauren Whalley and Tim Liptrott from GM Moving and Oldham Sports Partnership (respectively) for supporting us through our bid and celebrating the work we do.

We also had a mention from a colleague at the Department of Education – who visited our site 2 years ago and were amazed at the work we do and the impact on the students. Thank you. I have included the clip on here (and do apologise in advance for my broad Oldham accent...)  


So, that’s it for this week. I'mm sure next week will be another torpedo of activity and learning.

Enjoy the sunshine we are promised this weekend. Lighter nights and warmer days are coming.


Stay safe

Mrs T x