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Mrs Tootill's Blog - 20.9.24

I'm not sure where this week has gone, but it Friday already...

We started the week with a technical hitch. Our server went down on Monday morning and as we rely so much on technology – as you can all imagine; it was a tough day.

But we got through it in true New Bridge style and the children (and staff) were brilliant. Thank you to families for their patience with phone lines and communications  

I have been out and about this week in school. I spent my lunch yesterday in the AB yard, watching the students play and interact with each other and staff.  

I went into 9JPW and watched some brilliant learning about Neil Armstrong and the moon landings. I went into Miss Wallwork’s class and watched students learning about shapes through sensory engagement.  

I whizzed into our Interactive base and saw the break time activities and at lunch time I spoke to lots of our year 7 students who only joined us 3 weeks ago and were already telling me how much they love our school.  

So there's lots and lots of varied learning going on!

As the term moves on we will be sending out key dates for children, families and carers.

It's about to get really busy, but we love it!

Short but sweet from me this week.

Have a brilliant weekend.


Stay safe  


Mrs Tootill