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National TA Blog


It has been such a busy week here at Roman Road. 

The students are beginning to settle into routine and work, adapt to new classrooms and environments and making good progress. 

This week I managed to jump into Miss Wallwork’s classroom, where the group were learning about instructions and order.

In addition to this, it was a student’s birthday – which is always a good excuse for a celebration.

Mrs T's Blog - 27.9.24


It was joyous to see children taking part in good speaking and listening, as well as turn taking, working to visual clues and then executing the task. Really good teaching and learning. 

Today is National Teaching Assistant Day. I think here at New Bridge our staff massively appreciate our teaching staff as they are an integral part of our school family.

Our TA’ s don’t just support in the classroom, they ensure students are ready to learn, communicate to families and carers, look after our deliverers and ensure they have the correct resources, not to mention all the other countless tasks that they complete in the school day.

Our TA’s go on residentials, support holiday club and after school club, feed our students and support in change. The list goes on... 

Our school could NOT function without them – so this blog is dedicated to you guys – for your endless support for the students at New Bridge. 

Tonight, some of the staff – me included, are walking the Maggie’s Cultural 10 km through Oldham. Unfortunately, cancer has affected many lives and families – so we are supporting this charity as much as we can. I’ll be posting photos of the New Bridge team as we go. 

That’s it from me – hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. 


Take care  

Stay safe  


Mrs T  x