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New Bridge College Blog - 24.5.24


Maths Blog - 22/05/24 

It’s been a busy few weeks in Maths since our last blog. The majority our lessons has been spent preparing and revising for the upcoming assessments. Revision activities have included more ruler practice by completing bar charts and line graphs. Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages and solving long division and multiplication sums. 

Some of our students have started to sit their formal assessments for their entry level certificates and I wanted to mention how proud the staff team are of our learners. They have continuously shown dedication and willingness to work hard during this stressful period. And the reflection sessions between myself and our learners have been beneficial for identifying strengths and areas for development. Here are some comments from our students on the digital pathway. 

Matthieu: “my times tables are getting better at first, I found maths hard but the more I practice the easier it gets and my favourite topic this year has been geometry. I have enjoyed learning about shapes.” 

Nayeem “I feel rather excited as sometimes I need help with the harder questions, but I’ve done my assessments and some of the questions were easy.” 

Shaun “I haven’t been in much; however, I can see that I have made progress because I am showing my workings and methods, and my pace has increased. I have found it helpful to have Josh support me as he is great at explaining worded questions and puts me at ease.” 

Josh “I was a bit nervous at first when I started supporting my peers in Maths. I quickly settled into my role, and I can see that I have a positive influence on those I help.”  

Maths (24.5.24)


Gold D of E for Macauley

Gold D of E presentation day. 

We at the Pre- Interns are very proud to report that Macauley was presented with his Gold D of E award at a celebration ceremony at the Palace in London on the weekend of the 10th May.   

In order to gain his Gold award, Macauley had to demonstrate he had a number of attributes including teamwork, communication and endurance. Macauley used his positive mental attitude to keep himself and his teammates going whilst they hiked over 30K across the beautiful landscapes of the Northwest. The groups linked in the football stadiums of Bolton, Man City, Man United, Rochdale and Oldham during this momentous achievement. The team had to pitch and pull down their tent a total of 3 times over the experience.  

Macauley and his Mum, Jane attended a tea party at Buckingham Palace in London where he was presented with his certificate and gold badge and met Prince Edward.  

Well done, Macauley, we are all very proud of you!  

Macauley D of E

English - 24.5.24

We can’t believe how quickly another half-term has flown by!

The students have worked so hard on their writing skills this half term and we have completed our second topic: post-apocalyptic society. We have seen some wonderful pieces based on a dystopian Manchester and a diary entry based on the movie Passengers.  

When we return after half-term, exam season will quickly be upon us! We hope our students have a lovely break, find time to rest and maybe do a little revision! 

Have a great break everyone, 

Chloe and Abbie.