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New Bridge Learning Centre Blog - 24.5.24


Hi All,

Its hard to believe we’re already at half term, time is definitely flying by very quickly! We’ve been turning our attentions to our leavers events and letters will be going out to invite our families to two key leavers events. Our record of achievement celebration and of coursed our annual prom. We look forward to celebrating with students, staff, friends and family. Full details will be included in my next blog.

This weeks blog focuses on our Employability group and in particular two of our students Shannon & Stacey who are moving to the College in September. Here is Mrs Peacock’s report.


"Once again, the Employability Group have had a busy few weeks gaining work experience in different parts of the community. Some of them have even asked if it would be possible to explore finding their own work experience programs in addition to existing placements..

Stacey has now started work experience placements within ‘Crafty Kids’ nursery on site. She had previously attended this at the beginning of the year but felt at the time that it didn’t really suit her. As she’s matured, she has become more confident in asking for different placements and  requested another try in the nursery. Nursery staff were very happy to let her have another try and, after trialling it for a session, they reported back how capable and efficient Stacey was working with the young children in the nursery. They also commented on how Stacey had taken it upon herself to support the children without being asked to, tidy and wash the dishes, and interact with staff in a professional manner also. Stacey now attends the nursery every Wednesday morning much to the nursery staff relief as they were struggling at times with staff shortages! In addition to this Stacey has also requested if she can gain further work experience placements in either a care home setting, a café or on a farm. She is independently researching and arranging these work experience opportunities. Well done Stacey!

Shannon is another student who is looking to do an additional placement within a primary school as a classroom assistant. She pursued this option relentlessly until it was too hard to resist her request! She had her first taste of it this week and is really looking forward to regular placements next half term.

Shannon has also attended the food bank and the Atrium café and has continued to work hard and responsibly each time she is there. She enjoys working either independently or alongside others and is a good support to those who are a little unsure about the expectations of each role.

The other students have also enjoyed the different placements they have accessed and have interacted well with each whilst on placement. They are supportive of each other and are all now beginning to recognise how relationships are formed in the workplace and the expectations of employers in the work environment.

Well done Shannon & Stacey, we’re very proud of you. I know you’ll do amazing at the college although you will be missed at the Learning Centre."

NBLC Blog - 24.5.24



Have a great half term everyone, Thanks to my amazing staff team for all your hard work in ensuring our students can thrive!

