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New Bridge Pathways Blog - 17.5.24



CommlivTec have been very busy this morning, making sure staff got their Friday cuppa. 

 Mrs Hollinworth had baked lemon drizzle cake, ginger cake, chocolate orange muffins and Victoria sponge muffins. 

Students are working on their communication skills, eagerly asking staff what they would like to have.  

There have been lots of visitors in school today who have said how nice it was to be offered a drink. 

Our staff have been very happy today. They really look forward to a treat on Friday. 

Friday Cafe


 Digi 1 - Trip

On Wednesday Digi 1 headed to the Imperial War Museum to do some photography.  Students used the DSLR camera and their photography composition skills to take some great pictures. A big well done to all students – you were all so well behaved! 

Digi 1 - Trip


KPT Personal Progress Plus 

Personal progress plus have been working hard on their ASDAN qualification. The topics we have been covering are good health, community participation and keeping safe. 

Good Health – students have been learning about local health services and what they provide. We have been identifying services, matching services to need, learning about different medical equipment and what is is used for. In addition, we have participated in role play activities, following procedures such as presenting themselves to a receptionist and having certain medical checks done. 

Community Participation- we have been accessing several facilities in the community which link to students personal interests and what they enjoy doing in their leisure time. We have participated in sessions at Mahdlo, accessed swimming at OCL and visited Oldham Central Library. We have also enjoyed going for a cheeky hot chocolate at Costa Coffee.  

Keeping Safe – learning about keeping ourselves safe in the home, school and out in the community are important skills to know. We have been identifying potential hazards, recognising safety signs and symbols and following health and safety guidance/instructions to stay safe whilst out and about. 

Finally, KPT have started their science topic this term – Animals and their Habitats. Students have been learning about different habitats around the world and identifying what animals live there. We have started to learn about what animals need in order to survive in their habitat, staff have been so impressed with their enthusiasm and newly found knowledge in this subject area. Good work, everyone! 

KPT PP+ - 17.5.24


KS4MFY Personal Progression

In KS4MFY Personal Progression, we have incorporated our science into our pathway lessons. We have enjoyed creating a Bee with a variety of textures and a variety of tools, while paying our respects to the anniversary of the Manchester Arena Bombing later this month.  

We have created a fantastic multi sensory display.

For fine motor skills and following instructions, we had a go at origami!  

In ICT, Miss McMurray brought the Beebots in for us all to engage with!  

Hopefully in the next couple of week we will be visiting Oldham Library as the have an impressive interactive Bee display.

Mrs Fennelly, Mrs Holland and Miss Holland 

KS4MFY Personal Progression