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New Bridge Pathways Blog - 24.5.24


Community Living 

We have had another great half term in Community Living Creative Arts. Within our pathway lessons we have been looking at which organisations help and support us. We have also been helping out at a local church. Each week we clean the church and practice our living skills.  

We all worked hard in our Maths and English exams. To celebrate all that we have achieved, we took a trip to Nando’s and had a great time!  

(Photos on the way soon...)



CL5 have had a fab week! During our pathway lesson we visited Oldham library allowing the students to explore the different books that are available. The Year 11s have also finished all their English exams so we watched Aliens in the Attic to introduce the new Space topic. We also joined Miss Patchett’s class for an afternoon of activities which the students really enjoyed. 

Have a lovely half term! 

CL5 - 24.5.24


CL JF - 24.5.24


About Me - Sophia Pilgrim

My name is Sophia Pilgrim. 

I have worked for the New Bridge organisation for the last 25yrs. I started off as a support assistant at Park Dean School and am now a teacher at New Bridge Pathways.  

As well as teaching English, I lead the KS4 Lumenus Pathway. I absolutely love my job because I have the pleasure of witnessing how creative the students can be.  

I have a wonderful, caring and loving family that I am immensely proud of. 

In my spare time I love dancing, walking and hosting girly get togethers with my friends. To unwind I meditate and do yoga.  

I love making family memories, going on holidays, day trips and cooking family meals.