Pathways Blog - 28.2.25
CL Gen
CL Gen have had a busy few weeks. They have enjoyed trips to Oldham library and are independently borrowing and returning their books.
I am very pleased to see everyone trying hard in their mock exams.
During their Pathway sessions they have designed and built a bug house which has now been placed in its new home outside. They have all enjoyed trying new skills such drilling, hammering, screwing and painting. I am sure the bugs will move into their new home very soon.
CL Gen (28.2.25)
CL Tech 2
In Tech 2 this term we have been starting our new unit, ‘making the most of leisure time’, the pupils have enjoyed exploring the facilities that are on the doorstep. So far we have visited the library, Starbucks and Spindles and are hoping to get to the park now the sun is starting to appear. In RHSE it is all about emotions. In food the pupils are looking at temperature and linking to the 4Cs, in their ICT lessons the pupils have been looking at game design and in living skills the focus has been on using public transport.
As well as all this class have also been working hard doing mocks for their entry level exams this week in Maths and English so it is a huge well done from myself, Mrs Hollinworth and Miss Hilton for their efforts.
CL Tech 2 (28.2.25)
eSports go Karting...
Following a number of requests, this week, we introduced Mario Kart to the eSports lunchtime Club.
Liam was very keen to sit in the driver seat and race pupils and staff!
eSports Lunchtime (28.2.25)
Young Writers Poetry Competition
As part of the Autumn term poetry topic, students participated in the Young Writers “Lest We Forget” poetry competition. I was delighted to receive the fantastic news that one of our students' poems has been chosen to be published in their book “Lest We Forget - Learning from The Past"!
We are incredibly proud of Connor from Digi1 for this remarkable achievement!
Here is his poem...
Border Jake
It all began in WWI.
I had a friend called Jake.
He was a good soldier.
He was a good kid and a great friend.
He tells me all about himself.
He was 18 and in the war.
He was away for five years.
I am Dan.
I am trembling, and Jake calms me down.
I can see Jake shouting
I can smell the fire and smoke.
I feel sorry for my comrades.
I can smell the rotting people.
On that day, I heard a shot
I ran and saw Jake had been shot.
I shouted NO!.
I see blood. He said, “Take care of yourself.”
That day Jake died.