New Bridge School

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Valentines Day Blog

Love is all you need. 

We are finishing Spring 1 full of love – on Valentines Day.

We started this term with the anticipation that the snow would come and shut our school – but luckily – it simply didn’t happen, and we marched on into January and February.

It’s been an incredibly busy half term and last week in my blog, I spoke about how we've had so many visitors to the school. This week alone I have met with parents and carers, welcomed visitors from Sync and Apple to see some of the amazing work the students do, spoke with social care and health professionals. All these people, who are around our students, ensure they are getting what they need when they need it.

This morning – the whole school staff team met, and we reflected about this last half term. I ask the staff – every week for their random shout out, or for Valentines this week – their random act of love and kindness, and it was lovely to hear staff telling their colleagues how they felt. One phase that stuck with me was ‘carry on being you, because you are amazing' and they are.

Our students this week have really got into the theme of the love of learning and I’ve seen some amazing artwork, watched a cooking lesson, seen via our social media students making volcanoes and getting involved in lots and lots of activities.

As we venture into the second half of the school year, we have lots of things to look forward to – transitions to new destinations, residentials’, trips out, events and our students will be meeting some new people as we recruit to the team. All in all, in a busy term.

Next week – we host our holiday club and I’m really excited to see what the students get up to...

That’s it for me. I am signing off as it's time for a rest.

Thank you everyone for this term. It’s been amazing.

Have a Happy Valentines Day!


Stay safe


Mrs T xxx