New Bridge School

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Physical Education KS3

                             To be the best that I can be...                                                                               

Curriculum Vision

In PE at New Bridge School, we aim to engage and inspire all pupils, with physical education lessons that both excite and enthuse, and show outstanding progress throughout their education here, ensuring that we support them on to the right pathway in KS4.

It is important that children and young people develop an understanding of the benefits of exercise and make connections between physical health and positive mental health with the intent that children and young people will continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle into their adult life.

Our Curriculum aims for PE are:

· to give opportunities and experiences to all learners through a wide and varied curriculum which allows pupils to develop their skills, knowledge, and confidence in PE.

· to motivate children and young people to fully engage in PE and promote a healthy and active lifestyle, through our lessons and in our extracurricular programme.

· to ensure all children and young people have access to appropriate equipment, resources, and opportunities to take part in sporting activities both in school and within their local communities.

· to promote young people’s mental health and well-being through sport, dance, yoga, and pilates.

· to ensure all children and young people succeed and achieve and ‘create meaningful futures’.


PE Lessons at New Bridge School 

At New Bridge school our curriculum is designed to focus upon the fundamental movement skills in isolation before focusing these into specific sports across our broad and balanced curriculum.

We then focus upon enhancing their skills and knowledge and fostering healthy and active lifestyles.

At New Bridge, we have pathways which allows us to tailor our curriculum to the needs of the pupils.

Main Body

All pupils will participate in 2 weekly PE lessons as well as swimming once per week.

Pupils are given opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities at break times, lunchtimes and after school.

Pupils will be given the opportunity to compete both within the school and against other schools in the local community.

Autism Base and Interactive Base and COMMS

All pupils will receive a weekly PE lesson based around their sensory and physical targets using MATP and Rebound amongst other activities.

Some of our pupils also get the opportunity to do have a weekly swimming lesson and an outdoor education lesson and visit different places offsite in our local area.


PE (KS3)


Pupil Voice                                                        

I feel like I can speak to my friends using the technology I need to help me.

 I like 
learning how to use laptops and other equipment.