New Bridge School

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"A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings. Always believe in yourself"  -  Charlie Wardle


Curriculum Vision

 Our aim at the LC is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to be able to effectively function, to the best of their ability, within the wider community.

In equipping all students with means of functioning effectively in every area of their daily living, we will ensure all are supported at a level in which they can access the different areas of RSHE. Some students will focus upon a much higher level especially in the sex education aspect of RSHE. Some students will access independent additional health and social aspects depending upon need.

RSHE Lessons at The Learning Centre

 Students access one session each week. The majority of groups are taught by the form tutor, although within the Community Living groups  are taught by a more specialised deliverer. Sex education is delivered every year. In the past we have been supported by external specialists in ensuring we are delivering to the different students at appropriate levels.

Pupils Voice


"I enjoy all aspects of RSHE although I don’t really like the ones where we lie down and relax" - Shannon MacDonald