New Bridge School

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Science KS3


Science is like magic but it’s real life! Science and everyday life cannot be and should not be separated!


Curriculum Vision

At New Bridge School, our aim is to ensure that, through science, students gain the skills and knowledge to support them to become more independent in the wider community; through a curriculum that encourages curiosity and excitement about the world around us.

Discovery, enquiry and problem solving are at the heart of all of our science lessons. Lessons are designed and delivered in a way that encourages self-reflection, resilience and responsibility through real life learning.


Science Lessons at New Bridge School 

Students have one lesson of science per week. Each lesson is based on a half termly topic that is linked to the world around us. 

Lessons provide pupils with opportunities to develop the skills associated with ‘doing science’ including exploration; experimentation; observation; problem-solving; prediction; critical thinking; decision making and discussion.  

Science Gallery



Pupil Voice                                                         

I love Science, especially getting to wear the Science coats and goggles.                                                                            

Doing real experiments is so much fun!