New Bridge School

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Welcome to New Bridge School




Alison Tootill, Headteacher of New Bridge School

New Bridge School was established in Hollinwood, Oldham in 2004 and is a state-of-the-art secondary special school, developed specifically to meet the needs of pupils and students from the age of 11 up to 19 years with an EHCP.

The school is part of the New Bridge Group, belonging to the 
New Bridge Multi Academy Trust, and currently operates on two sites:

New Bridge School, our 11-16 department, is located in the Hollinwood area of Oldham and shares the site with our sister school, Hollinwood Academy.

New Bridge Learning Centre, catering for students aged 16-19,
is situated approximately 3 miles away in the Fitton Hill area of Oldham.

In addition, the school has internal outreach provision located at 3 other sites:

Medtia Square, our new campus in Oldham town centre,
provides a learning space and hub for students from our 16-19 population who access work-based learning through our innovative work experience programmes at various locations within Oldham. Students from three of our 14-19 Curriculum Pathways are also based at Medtia Square.

Students on our Bridging the Gap Programme are based entirely on site with their employer with the support of job coaches at both The Royal Oldham Hospital and Manchester Metropolitan University.

Our website aims to provide you with key information,
curriculum insight and news on the school. It’s also a valuable
resource for pupils and parents/carers to help keep everyone involved and up-to-date. If you are unable to find the information you require, please contact us. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.

Together with the staff at New Bridge School, we look forward to working with you.